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Do You See a Mouse?
  • Do You See a Mouse?
    • 书号:9780395827420
    • 出版日期:1996-08-26
    • 作者:Bernard Waber
    • 适合年龄:2-4岁,4-7岁
    • 出版社:Houghton Mifflin JuvenileBooks; New edition

 A mouse is on the loose at the Park Snoot Hotel Each member ofthe hotel staff misses the playful fellow as he scampers throughthe posh hotel, right under their noses. Children will loveoutsmarting the characters and finding the mouse on eachpage.


 Bernard Waber, who has written eight delightful books aboutLyle the Crocodile, a little boy named Ira, and a firefly namedTorchy, is the author of more than seventeen picture books forchildren. Widely praised by reviewers for his ability to describecommon family problems, he is best loved by children for hisfreeflowing humor and gentle characters.

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