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Berenstain Bears: All Aboard!, The贝贝熊:都上车了
  • Berenstain Bears: All Aboard!, The贝贝熊:都上车了
    • 书号:9787551527330
    • 出版日期:2010-06-01
    • 作者:Berenstain, Jan 著
    • 适合年龄:4-7岁,7-10岁,10-14,阅读指导
    • 出版社:HarperCollins

  The Bears are on a steam train trip across Bear Country. Mamaand Papa enjoy the scenery, but the cubs want to learn about thetrain. If they are lucky, Grizzly Jones might let them blow thewhistle. WOO-HOO!


 A FAVORITE SERIES – The Berenstain Bears series includes over250 books! – These lovable bears have sold over 260 million copies,making them one of the best-selling children’s book series! –Multi-generational appeal! The Berenstain Bears have been afavorite with young readers, parents and teachers for over 40years! – The most circulated books in US Schools and Libraries? TheBerenstain Bears, of course! – The Berenstain Bears are TV stars!They have a daily show on PBS that TV Guide listed as the “CoolestClassic” in their Parents Guide to Kids TV issue! WHAT’S NEW WITHTHE BEARS – Exciting Berenstain Bears Traveling Art Show! –Chick-Fil-A restaurants are having a huge Berenstain Bearspromotion, where 3.6 milion books are distributed with kids’ meals.There is Berenstain Bears branding on bags, cups, and more! ABEST-SELLING FORMAT! Combined sales of Berenstain Bears I Can Readshave exceeded 900

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