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Henny Penny 小母鸡潘妮
  • Henny Penny 小母鸡潘妮
    • 书号:9780899192253
    • 出版日期:2011-11-01
    • 作者:Paul Galdone
    • 适合年龄:4-7岁
    • 出版社:HMH Books for Young Readers


Convinced the sky is falling, Henny Penny and a band ofgullible friends march off to tell the king, only to meet their endat the hands of a wily fox.





Paul Galdone was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1914 andemigrated to the United States in 1928. After finishing his studiesat the Art Student League and the New York School of IndustrialDesign, Mr. Galdone worked in the art department of a majorpublishing house. There he was introduced to the process ofbookmaking, an activity that was soon to become his lifelongcareer. Before his death in 1986, Mr. Galdone illustrated almostthree hundred books, many of which he himself wrote or retold. Heis fondly remembered for his contemporary style, bright earthyhumor, and action-filled illustrations, which will continue todelight for generations to come.




  "A favorite nursery tale delightfully illustrated in strongline and color in Galdone's familiar and likable style." --Review

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